Income taxes

Income Taxes

Once a year, most internationals are obliged to fill in and file a tax return. The deadline for filing the last year income tax return (but also for paying the tax) is on the 2nd of April 2024. In the case of processing and filing the tax return online, the deadline is the 2nd of May.

General Overview

Every month your employer deducts health insurance (4.5%) and social security contribution (7.1%) from your gross salary (100%). Your employer also pays health insurance (9%) and social security contribution (24.8%) as an extra payment to the Government. Income tax of 15% is calculated from the gross salary. Monthly incomes over CZK 131,901 are taxed with a higher, 23% tax.

Your employer also reduces your monthly tax by CZK 2570 (as of 2022) – this is possible only in one employment contract at the time (if you have few jobs), after signing the “Pink Paper” (=Prohlášení poplatníka, declaration of the taxpayer). After signing the “Pink paper”, the tax relief is automatic and your employer should offer you this option. See more about tax reductions below.

Who is Not Obliged to Submit Tax Return?
  • Mostly people without taxable incomes (housewives/husbands, pensioners, students with “DPP”);
  • People who have only one employment at the time, or more jobs that were consequently one after each other;
  • People with monthly income from “DPP” under CZK 10,000;
  • Self-employed under flat-rate tax regime.

However, those groups may submit the tax return on their own or via the employer and claim various tax reductions (tax reliefs and allowance from the tax base).

How and When to Fill In a Tax Return?

1. Your employer can do that for you

  • But only if you do not have any other jobs, or any other income (i.e. renting a flat, shares, other business activity, etc). DPP under CZK 10,000 doesn’t count. 
  • If your employer will offer you help – let them know in mid-January that you would like them to file your taxes. Ask for yearly reconciliation (“roční zúčtování”).
  • It pays to ask your company accountant what allowances and reliefs you can ask for. Mostly, employers will require a Czech tax domicile from you. You will need to obtain it yourself from Financial Authority (see below).

2. Filing tax return on your own

When do you have to file your Tax return on your own?

  • If you had other incomes (renting a flat, from abroad, from stocks, from bitcoins, etc.);
  • If you have more than one employment at the same time, “DPP” over CZK 10,000/monthly, “DPC“ over CZK 3,500/monthly;
  • You are a freelancer unless you pay flat tax;
  • If your employer refuses to do it for you (which happens often to foreign employees).

How to fill Tax return?

  • You will need a Confirmation of taxable incomes (“Potvrzení o zdanitelných příjmech”) form from your employer(s), it has to be requested from the employer(s) in January/February.
  • You can submit it in person. Find a specimen online (in English), but you have to submit the filled in form solely in the Czech language. Thus, we strongly recommend to find an English-speaking accountant or even a tax consultant to help you with this task. The latest submission date is at the 2nd of April
  • You can submit your tax return in any office of the Financial Authority (there are 3 offices in Ostrava), but if you already have temporary/permanent residence, it should be in the area of your residence. Find out with this website which office you belong to. On this website fill „PSČ PLÁTCE DANĚ“ which refers to the postal code of your accommodation. Also, if you submit your tax return once you also have to do it in the same office next year, unless you will ask the Tax Authority for the relocation of your “profile” to another tax office (in case you will move to another place).
  • You can submit it online via gov website (you can access it through your Data mailbox), unfortunately only in the Czech language.
  • Our partners such as NeoTax or Na stejné lodi can help you, see contacts down below.
Tax Reductions

There are a number of various allowances and tax reliefs that can be used. The differences are following: tax allowances are adjusting (decreasing) the tax base from which income tax (15%) is calculated. Then the tax reliefs are decreasing the tax itself.

Allowance from the tax base

By various allowances, you can adjust (reduce) the tax base, not the tax itself. The general rule is that every allowance of CZK 1,000 will reduce the tax by CZK 150. Those are allowances from the tax base in 2024:

  • Private pension savings, life insurance and “DIP”, all together up to CZK 48,000
  • Charity gifts (min. CZK 1,000 up to 15% of tax base)
  • Blood donation up to CZK 3,000, bone marrow donation up to CZK 20,000
  • Mortgage interests (up to CZK 300,000 /150,000)

Tax reliefs

After calculating the final 15% from the tax base (above), then tax reliefs can be used as discounts on the final tax. Maximum tax reliefs for 2024 are:

  • For taxpayer (“personal tax credit”) CZK 30,840
  • For a maintained spouse caring for a child up to 3 years of age CZK 24,840
  • For maintained children(s) CZK 15,204 to 27,840

All allowances and/or reliefs (except taxpayer and student discounts) can only be applied to Czech tax residents (or to EU/EEA citizens having 90 % of your world income from the CZ), please see below how to obtain Czech tax domicile.

How to apply for tax reductions?

  • Through your employer after signing the “Pink Paper” (=Prohlášení poplatníka, declaration of the taxpayer). This is possible only in one employment contract at the time (if you have few jobs).
  • Through filing Tax return (see above) on your own.

An example:

If your yearly tax base is CZK 400,000 and you won’t use any tax allowances/reliefs, then your tax will be CZK 60,000. But it might be way less. You will first use tax allowances, eg. the amount of paid mortgage interest and gifs in the value of CZK 20,000, to decrease the tax base, so your new tax base is now CZK 380,000 of which tax (15%) is CZK 57,000. Now you will use tax reliefs, eg. a taxpayer bonus of CZK 30,840 and a child bonus of CZK 15,204, and your final tax will be only CZK 10,956.

Tax Return for the Self-Employed (živnostník)

Self-employed persons must fill and file a tax return electronically via gov website (you can access it through your Data mailbox).

The income tax of 15% is calculated from the tax base. The tax base can be calculated as incomes deducted by the business expenses. In some cases, the expenses are quite constant and can be estimated. In such cases, the self-employed may register for the so-called expenditure flat rate (“výdajový paušál”) from 30% to 80% of their total incomes (this can vary due to the type of trade licence). So, if this method were to be used, then the tax base will be the remaining percentage of the income from the trade licence activities (activities falling under paragraph 7 of the tax law). Further on, the tax base may be lowered by tax allowances and from this new “reduced tax base”, the final 15% income tax is calculated. So the final tax can be discounted by various tax reliefs, such as tax credits for children, kindergarten tuition, etc. Please see more above.

The deadline for filing last year’s income tax return (but also for paying the tax), is usually April 2nd as you must file your tax return electronically. In case of processing and filing the tax return by the advisor, the deadline is postponed to July 1st, but in this case, on March 1st, the entrepreneur should submit a power of attorney granted to the tax advisor to the Tax Authority.


Once a year, apart from the Tax Return you have to submit also the Summary of Income and Expenses to both the social security office and your health insurance office. The deadline is 2nd May. All self-employed persons (except those with flat-rate tax) are obliged to fill in and submit the summary, even those for which there is no minimum assessment base. Please ask your tax advisor for these statements along with Tax Return.

We have prepared a video about Czech Tax System with our partner NeoTax. Please, follow the information above the video.

Czech Tax Domicile

Czech tax domicile is a confirmation about your tax residency in the Czech Republic issued by the Financial Authority. This is applicable for employees as well as for self-employed persons.

General Overview

In a very simple way the tax domicile specifies the country to which the person belongs in terms of taxation. This may happen in the event that your permanent residency is in one country, but you work in another one, for example in the Czech Republic. If your so-called “centre of life interest” is in the Czech Republic (you work here more than 183 days in one year, rent a flat, or have a family here) you are a Czech tax resident, even if you don’t have temporary/permanent residence here. In this case, you have to pay taxes here (including worldwide incomes).

There are also some advantages. If you are a Czech tax resident, you can apply for tax allowances, as well as tax reliefs, and it can also help you avoid double taxation in your home country.

You don’t need any special confirmation to get Czech tax residency. You can claim it in your yearly tax return form. Anyway, your employer may require a confirmation from the Financial Authority to clearly determine that you are a Czech tax resident.

Where to Apply?

You can apply for the tax domicile in person at the Financial Authority Office (there are 3 offices in Ostrava) with this form. Find out with this website which office you belong to. On this website fill „PSČ PLÁTCE DANĚ“ which refers to the postal code of your accommodation. But we recommend coming along with a Czech-speaking person, as Czech is the language spoken in the offices.

List of the Required Documents

To apply for a tax domicile, you need to prepare:

  • application form,
  • copy of your passport or Czech residence card,
  • copy of an accommodation contract or a statement from the “Katastr” (land register) if you own an apartment/house (valid for every day of the last year, at least 185 days in a calendar year),
  • copy of the employment contract with a Czech employer or copy of your trade license (valid for at least 185 days in a calendar year),
  • a “kolek” (fee stamp) worth CZK 100 for every year you need the tax domicile for; fee stamps can be bought at any post office.

All documents above can be normal copies (hard copies), not verified copies. If some of the documents will be insufficient, the Office will ask you to complete them. In the form, you can choose that you will pick up the tax domicile confirmation either by person (after phone announcement) or it will be delivered to you by post or by data mailbox.

Please keep in mind that you can only apply for tax domicile for the previous period of time (past years), not for the future period of time. Your employer may require confirmation every year, so you will have to apply every year at the Financial Authority.


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