Residency & Citizenship

Residence Permits

All residence-related issues are in charge of the Ministry of Interior – Department for Asylum and Migration Policy (“OAMP“). The officers will speak with you solely in Czech as it is the official language. To simplify this situation please take along somebody to interpret for you or come during Monday or Wednesday mornings when there are social workers from CPIC Ostrava who can provide free of charge help with the paperwork. Please check below the particular conditions for the type of residence permit.

Registration Certificate (formerly Temporary Residence)

EU citizens can (but are not obliged to) apply for temporary residence if they intend to stay in the Czech Republic longer than 3 months.

From August 2nd, 2021, the certificate of temporary residence is called the Registration Certificate (= osvědčení o registraci). Step-by-step instructions can be found on the website of the Ministry of the Interior (= Ministerstvo vnitra). For more details, please have a look and download the application form.

You can submit your application in person at the MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR “MOI” (Department for Asylum and Migration Policy) – Výstavní 55, Ostrava. Or you can also send it by post.

Opening hours: Mo, We: 8am – 5pm; Tu, Th: 8am – 11am. We strongly advise you to make an online appointment, or by phone at +420 974 801 801 (also in English).

  • The official language of the “MOI office” is Czech (solely and compulsory) so you cannot expect the clerks to use English in communication with you. A good idea is to bring along an interpreter, a friend or, which is a very elegant solution, to come on Monday or Wednesday morning where there are social workers provided by CPIC, the governmental agency. They speak English and will help you with the paperwork.
  • Please keep in mind that all documents must be originals or notarized copies (read how to obtain verified copies here), sometimes an Apostille is required.
  • Also, once you have a residence permit, you are obliged to report a change of your home address, passport number, family status or surname within 15 days (30 days in the case of a change of address). For issuing a new residence permission and further reporting of any changes, you will need to pay a fee of CZK 200 to be paid on the spot by card.
Temporary Residence for a Family Member of an EU Citizen

There are special conditions for a family member of an EU citizen who is not an EU citizen himself/herself (see who is “family member”). Step-by-step instructions can be found on the website of the Ministry of the Interior (= Ministerstvo vnitra). For more details, please have a look and download the application form.

You can submit your application in person at the MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR “MOI” (Department for Asylum and Migration Policy) – Výstavní 55, Ostrava.

Opening hours: Mo, We: 8am – 5pm; Tu, Th: 8am – 11am. We strongly advise you to make an online appointment, or by phone at +420 974 801 801 (also in English).

  • The official language of the “MOI office” is Czech (solely and compulsory) so you cannot expect the clerks to use English in communication with you. A good idea is to bring along an interpreter, a friend or, which is a very elegant solution, to come on Monday or Wednesday morning where there are social workers provided by CPIC, the governmental agency. They speak English and will help you with the paperwork.
  • Please keep in mind that all documents must be originals or notarized copies (read how to obtain verified copies here), sometimes an Apostille is required.
  • Also, once you have a residence permit, you are obliged to report a change of your home address, passport number, family status or surname within 15 days (30 days in the case of a change of address). For issuing a new residence permission and further reporting of any changes, you will need to pay a fee of CZK 200 to be paid on the spot by card.
Permanent Residence

You can request Permanent residence after 5 years of continuous residence in the Czech Republic. The process is very similar to the application for temporary residence. It is advised to follow the step-by-step instructions on the website of the Ministry of the Interior. For more details, please have a look and download the application form.

You can submit your application in person at the MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR “MOI” (Department for Asylum and Migration Policy) – Výstavní 55, Ostrava.

Opening hours: Mo, We: 8am – 5pm; Tu, Th: 8am – 11am. We strongly advise you to make an online appointment, or by phone at +420 974 801 801 (also in English).

  • The official language of the “MOI office” is Czech (solely and compulsory) so you cannot expect the clerks to use English in communication with you. A good idea is to bring along an interpreter, a friend or, which is a very elegant solution, to come on Monday or Wednesday morning where there are social workers provided by CPIC, the governmental agency. They speak English and will help you with the paperwork.
  • Please keep in mind that all documents must be originals or notarized copies (read how to obtain verified copies here), sometimes an Apostille is required.
  • Also, once you have a residence permit, you are obliged to report a change of your home address, passport number, family status or surname within 15 days (30 days in the case of a change of address). For issuing a new residence permission and further reporting of any changes, you will need to pay a fee of CZK 200 to be paid on the spot by card.
  • Please remember that once you have a permanent residence you must always be insured with the public health insurance.
  • You can apply for Czech citizenship usually after another 3 years.
Permanent Residence for a Family Member of an EU Citizen

There are special conditions for a family member of an EU citizen who is not an EU citizen himself/herself (see who is “family member”). As a non-EU citizen who is a family member of an EU citizen with permanent residence in the Czech Republic, you can apply after 2 years of continuous residence in the Czech Republic if you have been a family member of an EU citizen for at least 1 year. Step-by-step instructions can be found on the website of the Ministry of the Interior (= Ministerstvo vnitra). For more details, please have a look and download the application form.

You can submit your application in person at the MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR “MOI” (Department for Asylum and Migration Policy) – Výstavní 55, Ostrava. 

Opening hours: Mo, We: 8am – 5pm; Tu, Th: 8am – 11am. We strongly advise you to make an online appointment, or by phone at +420 974 801 801 (also in English).

  • The official language of the “MOI office” is Czech (solely and compulsory) so you cannot expect the clerks to use English in communication with you. A good idea is to bring along an interpreter, a friend or, which is a very elegant solution, to come on Monday or Wednesday morning where there are social workers provided by CPIC, the governmental agency. They speak English and will help you with the paperwork.
  • Please keep in mind that all documents must be originals or notarized copies (read how to obtain verified copies here), sometimes an Apostille is required.
  • Also, once you have a residence permit, you are obliged to report a change of your home address, passport number, family status or surname within 15 days (30 days in the case of a change of address). For issuing a new residence permission and further reporting of any changes, you will need to pay a fee of CZK 200 to be paid on the spot by card.
  • Please remember that once you have a permanent residence you must always be insured with the public health insurance.
  • You can apply for Czech citizenship usually after another 3 years.
What are the benefits of Residence permits?

With the residence permit, you will gain access to services that are otherwise less accessible or not available at all. Those are the main benefits:

  Temporary/ Permanent EU citizen Temporary/ Permanent EU Family Member
Czech Birth Number (National identification number) Yes Yes
Easier communication with state authorities, banks, and other institutions Yes Yes
Possibility to register a car Yes Yes
Replacement of driving license Yes Yes, under certain conditions
Opening a bank account, contract with mobile operators or internet providers Yes Yes
Easier access to a loan or mortgage Yes Yes
Right to vote in selected elections Yes No
Help with family reunification from 3rd countries Yes Not applies
Long Term Residence

As a non-EU foreigner who intends to stay in the Czech Republic for over 90 days you will need a long-term visa (for 1 year) or long-term residence permit.

You can submit your application in person at the MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR “MOI” (Department for Asylum and Migration Policy) – Výstavní 55, Ostrava.

Opening hours: Mo, We: 8am – 5pm; Tu, Th: 8am – 12am. We strongly advise you to make an online appointment, or by phone at +420 974 801 801 (also in English).

  • The official language of the “MOI office” is Czech (solely and compulsory) so you cannot expect the clerks to use English in communication with you. A good idea is to bring along an interpreter, a friend or, which is a very elegant solution, to come on Monday or Wednesday morning where there are social workers provided by CPIC, the governmental agency. They speak English and will help you with the paperwork.
  • Please keep in mind that all documents must be originals or notarized copies (read how to obtain verified copies here), sometimes an Apostille is required.
  • Also, once you have a residence permit, you are obliged to report a change of your home address, passport number, family status or surname within 3 days (30 days in the case of a change of address).
Permanent Residence

You can request Permanent residence after 5 years of continuous stay in the Czech Republic. Please follow the step-by-step instructions on the website of the Ministry of Interior. Additionally, there are a few more things to do:

You can submit your application in person at the MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR “MOI” (Department for Asylum and Migration Policy) – Výstavní 55, Ostrava.

Opening hours: Mo, We: 8am – 5pm; Tu, Th: 8am – 11am. We strongly advise you to make an online appointment, or by phone at +420 974 801 801 (also in English).

  • The official language of the “MOI office” is Czech (solely and compulsory) so you cannot expect the clerks to use English in communication with you. A good idea is to bring along an interpreter, a friend or, which is a very elegant solution, to come on Monday or Wednesday morning where there are social workers provided by CPIC, the governmental agency. They speak English and will help you with the paperwork.
  • Please keep in mind that all documents must be originals or notarized copies (read how to obtain verified copies here), sometimes an Apostille is required.
  • Also, once you have a residence permit, you are obliged to report a change of your home address, passport number, family status or surname within 3 days (30 days in the case of a change of address).
  • You can apply for Czech citizenship usually after another 3 years.

What are the benefits of Permanent Residence?
  • The right to be employed without a work permit
  • The right to draw unemployment benefits (if eligible) and the right to be registered as a job seeker at the Labour Office (Úřad práce)
  • Easier access to a loan or mortgage
  • The right to free education in the Czech language
  • Access to social benefits and retirement pension (if certain conditions are met)

Please remember that once you have permanent residence, you must always be covered by public health insurance.

Czech Citizenship

Foreign nationals with a permanent residence permit in the Czech Republic have the option of obtaining citizenship of the Czech Republic by conferment. You can apply for Czech citizenship after 5 years (3 years if EU citizen) of obtaining permanent residence. Please check the full conditions on the official website of the Ministry of Interior. Applications for Naturalization (granting of citizenship) are accepted by the Regional Office of the Moravian-Silesian Region, Department of the Interior and Regional Trade Office. You can also join the Facebook group for applicants for citizenship.

Information about Czech citizenship exams can be found on our website and also here.

National Identity Number

National identity number (NIN), or Czech birth number (rodné číslo), is a numerical identification that is given to the citizens of the Czech Republic. It consists of 9 or 10 numbers. First 6 numbers are responding to the date of birth and the rest are differing persons who were born on the same day. Format of the identity number is “YYMMDD/XXXX”. The foreign national does not apply for the identity number as it is allocated by MOI CR and is usually entered into the permit card when issuing a residence permit. More about this on the website of the Ministry of the Interior.

Important Note

The National Identity Number (Czech birth number) is one of the most important identification numbers for a Czech citizen. However, since foreigners receive a Czech birth number later (if ever) on the basis of the issue of e.g temporary residence, various institutions, such as the health insurance company, social security office, or financial authority will keep you under different identification numbers (randomly generated numbers). As soon as you receive your Czech birth number, please announce it to your employer and also to the state authorities mentioned above.

Specimen of Proof of National Identity Number (Czech Birth Number)

Why Do I Need Identity Number?

The National Identity Number (Czech Birth Number) is required mostly by banks when applying for a mortgage, or when applying for other financial products such as state-building savings or supplementary pension savings.


Integration Courses

The aim of the adaptation-integration course is to acquaint you with the rights and obligations related to your stay in the Czech Republic. The course also helps to understand local and cultural aspects and provides a warning about negative elements. It must be completed no later than one year from the date of receipt of the residence permit. The course is obligatory for selected groups of third-country nationals, principally, people having a residence permit coming into effect after January 1, 2021. If you are not sure whether this obligation applies to you, please check this website.

What is the Course About?

The course is given by an experienced tutor and interpreter. The course is taught in Czech and it is interpreted into one of these nine languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian, Spanish, French, Serbian, Mongolian, Arabic and Vietnamese. The course lasts four hours and the participation fee is CZK 1,500 for a public course.

During the 4-hour course, the lecturer and interpreter talk about several important topics, such as residence legislation, employment, business, healthcare, local customs and traditions, education, and more. Although there is no exam at the end, you must complete all the four hours. At the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion of the course.

You will also receive contact details of important institutions in the area where you live, and most importantly contacts to integration centers and non-profit organizations providing quality and free assistance.

Who Must Attend This Course?

It is compulsory for selected groups of third-country nationals, principally, people having a residence permit coming into effect after January 1, 2021:

  • a long-term residence permit;
  • a long-term residence permit due to a change in the purpose of the stay;
  • a permanent residence permit for a child of a foreign national who is a holder of a permanent residence permit, if the application was submitted for the purpose of family reunification in the Czech Republic;
  • a permanent residence permit after four years of continuous residence in the Czech Republic if the foreign national has completed the procedure for granting international protection;
  • a full list of groups of foreigners that are obliged to participate in the course here.
Who Doesn’t Have to Attend This Course?
  • EU nationals and their family members and family members of Czech citizens

It also does not apply to holders of the following type of Czech residency permits:

  • a long-term residence permit for the purpose of studies;
  • a long-term residence permit for the purpose of investment;
  • an Intra-Company Employee Transfer Card;
  • an Intra-Company Employee Transfer Card of another EU member state;
  • holders of Employee Cards and Blue Cards issued under the government programs “Highly Skilled Employee” and “Key and Scientific Personnel”;
  • a full list of exceptions here.

The compulsory integration course also does not apply to foreign nationals under the age of 15 or over the age of 61 at the time of the final decision on the residence permit.

Also foreign nationals who completed the integration course after 1 January 2021 do not need to attend it again.

Where Can I Register and How Much Does it Cost?

You have to pay CZK 1,500 in advance to attend the course. The process first includes registration at the Foreigners Reservation System, then payment of the fee and after confirmation of payment, you can register for the course. If you do not do so within one year from the date of issue of the permit, you risk a fine of CZK 10,000.


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