Ostrava Women Club online
Collect and share experiences!
We would love to meet women from Ostrava and surroundings. Collect and share experiences from all of you!
We will meet once a month and will have one intellectual topic and one really and totally girly one to discuss for each session.
We live in a time of changes. The changes are so quick and unrealistic that there is simply not enough time to understand and accept many of them. The world around is changeable, people change, cities, countries. And we change, we have to change and adapt – this is a condition for survival. And that’s why it is so important to accept yourself completely. Love yourself and you will love the whole world, says ancient wisdom.
We suggest that, between us girls, we start a series of conversations about ourselves. First of all, in order to understand how we are all alike. To receive smiles of sincere support, to feel that there is a deep community in our individuality.
Because the culture, the past can be very different, but girls remain girls around the globe – incredibly beautiful all together and each separately.